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Application model

  • Use this model to get information about the application.
  • Use extData and extUuid to store additional information. It can be convenient to store external identifiers, subscription or other custom data.
type ApplicationModel {
id: Int
name: String
domain: String
projectId: Int
specsErrors: Int
specsWarns: Int
isReady: Boolean
isEnabled: Boolean
region: Int
version: Int
ClusterModel: ClusterModel
VersionModel: VersionModel
NamespaceModel: NamespaceModel
env: JSON
services: JSON
tags: JSON
extData: JSON
extUuid: String

Fields ● Int scalar ● String scalar

ApplicationModel.domain ● String scalar

ApplicationModel.projectId ● Int scalar

ApplicationModel.specsErrors ● Int scalar

ApplicationModel.specsWarns ● Int scalar

ApplicationModel.isReady ● Boolean scalar

ApplicationModel.isEnabled ● Boolean scalar

ApplicationModel.region ● Int scalar

ApplicationModel.version ● Int scalar

ApplicationModel.ClusterModel ● ClusterModel object

ApplicationModel.VersionModel ● VersionModel object

ApplicationModel.NamespaceModel ● NamespaceModel object

ApplicationModel.env ● JSON scalar ● JSON scalar

ApplicationModel.tags ● JSON scalar

ApplicationModel.extData ● JSON scalar

ApplicationModel.extUuid ● String scalar

Returned By

Application_createFromTemplate mutation ● Application_getApplication query ● Application_getApplicationByExtUuid query ● Application_getApplicationsList query

Member Of

ApplicationUpdateAnswer object