If you want to deploy a third party project – you can use helm chart with hardcoded application version.But for own developed project this way is not really good. I am sure you will have hundreds of different versions for your application, dev builds, production builds and a lot of other builds (in best case – dedicated build for each issue from Jira)
We will use tutorial-project as a base and will add CI/CD to it. Please read here how to create your first project
CI/CD integration
CI/CD integration is a simple webhook. You can call it from you CI/CD pipline to send to unifie information about your new build.
To get api key – click here:
Than just copy curl command example to you ci/cd pipline.This code will work in gitlab piplines.
export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=059920143366.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docker-static-images:$CI_PIPELINE_ID
curl --user project112:YOUR_API_KEY
--data-urlencode "projectId=112"
--data-urlencode "title=$CI_COMMIT_TITLE"
--data-urlencode "message=$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
The main line is the curl http call.
Arg --user used for pass you api credientals in basic auth.
--data-urlencode pass additional post params.
projectId | number | Id for your project, will not change. |
title | string | New build title |
message | string | New build description. In CI/CD it can be a commit message |
channel | string | New build channel (Dev, Prod or other) |
name | string | New build name |
image | string | Service name in your project. In this tutorial project we have service docker-helloworld-http |
url | string | Docker image URL. For example for AWS ECR it can looks like 059920143366.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docker-helloworld-http:XXXX Here XXXX is image tag. |
This api call will add information about new build for project.
curl --user project112:YOUR_API_KEY
--data-urlencode "projectId=112"
--data-urlencode "title=$CI_COMMIT_TITLE"
--data-urlencode "message=$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
Execute it to send the first build.
Tern on versions in deployment settings
To be able to select one of your builds in deployments config – mark option Show versions configuration tab in project settings.
Check results
If all steps done – in deployment Advansed settings tab – you will see the versions tab.
It is the first part of your work.
You can select version in ui, selected version will be avaliabled in deployment variables.
However, you should use this variable in your yaml specifications to make it affect deployment in clusters.
Please read more about variables.In short, go to your template and use your variable almost like in HELM chart.
For example {{ .Values.VARIABLE_NAME }} or {{ .Release.Namespace }}
To avoid conflicts with third party HELM charts all unifie specified variables use prefix .UnifieVar
For example {{ .UnifieVar.image.MY_SERVICE_NAME }}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: "{{ .UnifieVar.image.MY_SERVICE_NAME }}"
- containerPort: 80
To make sure that you vars was parsed correctly check deployment yaml tab