Install addons (Integrations)
Once you’ve provisioned infrastructure in your cloud account, you can Install addons.
- Ingress if you want to deploy web service that should be available from internet
- Karpenter - allow to add nodes autoscaling functional for cluster
- KEDA - Kubernetes-based Event Driven autoscaler for deployments
- Metrics-Server - need to performance monitoring
- Prometheus and OpenCost- good for monitoring
- EBS and EFS drivers - need if you will deploy Stateful applications (Databases, MySQL, Wordpress, Redis and others)
Install addons into the cluster
May be one of the most papular - Ingress.
How to deploy Ingress with Unifie
- open cluster page
- go to integrations tab
- click to
addon. - click to
Metrics server
Is used to build CPU and RAM usage charts.
How to deploy Cert Manager for HTTPS
Cert Manager can generate valid (green) letsencrypt certificates for your domains and update them automatically.