AWS EKS - manual creation
If you do not have cluster, create it in AWS console or use other ways like terraform. We will use AWS console as the simplest way to get kubernetes cluster.
EKS cluster creation step 1
You need to create or select IAM role for cluster. Click to create role button.
EKS cluster creation step 2.
You need to create or select IAM role for cluster. Click to create role button.
Create IAM role for cluster.
Create IAM role for cluster. Step 2
Create IAM role for cluster. Step 3
Create IAM role for cluster. Step 4
Now we have a new role and can use it to create a new cluster. Come back to cluster creation form.
EKS cluster creation step 3
EKS cluster creation step 4.
Here you can select addons to your cluster.
EKS cluster creation step 5.
Here you can configure selected addons to your cluster.
EKS cluster creation step 6
EKS cluster creation step 7
Almoste done. Just wait until the cluster will be ready.
Now it is ready.
Cluster is ready, but you need to add nodes to the cluster.
Again, you need new IAM role for nodegroup
Create a role for nodegroup
Add permissions
Add more permissions
Check permissions
Continuer with node group creation flow (step 1)
Continuer with node group creation flow (step 2)
Nodegroup creation flow (step 3)
Nodegroup creation flow (step 4)
Almost ready
Good. You have new kubernetes cluster.
The next step – install unifie into your cluster